Media Coverage 2019-02-23 posted again, this time describing how to boot from USB SSD or HDD. ラズパイでWindows10 on ARMを動かす(上級者向けUSBブート編) — translates as "Running Windows 10 on ARM at Raspai (Advanced USB Boot Edition)". Very careful, step-by-step procedure for doing the installation.

INpact-hardware posted about the project. Comment installer Windows 10 on ARM sur un Raspberry Pi 3 (microSD et USB) — translates as "How to install Windows 10 on ARM on a Raspberry Pi 3 (microSD and USB)". Most of the article is behind a paywall, but will be freely available in 30 days.

Update 2019-02-24: fix typo for INpact hardware, add note about their access policy.

Media coverage 2019-02-22

Well, let’s face it; it’s been ten days since we shipped, things (especially things USB) are working pretty well; we won’t get much more attention from the hacker/gamer world until there’s something new to announce. The initial flurry of articles is dying down; Mobile World Congress, folding phones and such are going to be getting all the attention over the next few days.

One article popped up since the last report: from Austria published Raspberry Pi 3: It is now possible to install Windows 10 on the single-board computer, by Alex Alderson. Generally favorable.

Media Coverage 2019-02-19

Here’s today’s roundup: an article from Forbes (overlooked till now), and an article on tuning.

Forbes: Microsoft’s Windows 10 Now Runs On This $35 Device by Jason Evangelho

Jason installed the early build. Comments on his Twitter feed suggest that tuning is needed; it’s clear that he was disappointed with the performance.

He might have benefited from the next article.

On the Winside: Making your #WindowsInsider run better & secure – with Raspberry PI!, by Murray Wall

Murray wrote a nice article about tuning up his installation. He even got Bitlockr working. His tips (summarized):

  • Control Panel > System > Performance Options > Adjust for best performance.
  • Uninstall Onedrive
  • Stop Windows Search Service

See any good articles we missed? DM us at @Pi64Win, or comment on this article on

Media Coverage 2019-02-18

A new deployment video for booting from SSD. Plus several articles from Japan.


Anthony Talerico: How to install Windows 10 and run an SSD on the Raspberry Pi 3

A half-hour, detailed step-by-step on setting up a Pi 3 to boot Windows from a USB SSD.

Some Posts from Japan

There has been a lot of interest in Japan; so we’ve collected a few of the posts.

togetter: Windows 10 runs on a Raz-Pi 3, by Oskana Taro

This is a how-to, stepping people through the process of doing a WoA install (prior to V2). 24,000 views, 130+ tweets, similar number of shares on other social media. Wow.

Gigazine: Anyone can easily install 64-bit ARM version of Windows 10 to Raspberry Pi 3

Shorter, more new and analysis. Lots of Facebook shares. Installing Windows 10 on ARM: Successful but not Easy

He’s right, it wasn’t easy when he did it — he did it with the very early tools. It’s getting better and will get better yet. (Bless him, he mentioned MCCI.) Troubles and countermeasures when inserting Windows 10 on ARM into Raspai

Lots more detail on low-level sysadmin things — worth glancing at if you’re having troubles, even if you have to use machine translation.

Who’s stopping by?

WordPress gives some statistics (like google analytics but faster and less creepy) about who’s visiting the site from where. Here’s a map of the last 24 hours or so:

Traffic on 2019-02-17

It’s really interesting to me that France is ahead of the US for visits today, and that Japan is number three. In the last few days, Europe has been ahead of North America, and visits from Asia have been quite close to, or slightly ahead of, North America. (The traffic from France led me to search for articles from France, and sure enough, there have ben a lot of posts in the last few days; see today’s media summary.)

I’m also intrigued by the traffic from South Africa and Brazil. My personal goal for this project is to get real computers in the hands of people who otherwise could never afford it: not for YouTube and entertainment, but rather for productivity apps. You can’t write a paper on a smart phone, or create any other kind of text-heavy content.

After we get a week or so of data, I’ll publish my spreadsheet so people can poke around in the information for themselves.

What do you think? Any surprises here for you? Any ideas on how to stimulate traffic from other areas?

Media Coverage 2019-02-17

Here’s today’s round-up: seven posts and probably more that I didn’t notice., in Mandarin Chinese

Step by step instructions for using the WoR installer to set up a system. Used the WoR approach. The file names in the screenshot are a little worrying as the driver files seem to be from September, and the screen doesn’t show the step of adding the USB drivers. But maybe that’s just the file name.


This is an interesting use case: using the Raspberry Pi as a low-power download engine for Steam games. I hadn’t thought of that, but it’s true, there are probably numerous use cases like this (cloud backup, local file caching, etc.) where performance is not critical but compatibility is.

Like many early posts, these both use the complicated setup procedure. Since the USB driver downloads serve as a landing page, I updated that page to also give instructions for the WoA download.

Overseas and older posts

Puzzled by the traffic we’re seeing from France (#1 in the world!), I decided to do an advanced Google search. I found lots of articles.

01net: Vous pouvez désormais installer Windows 10 sur un Raspberry Pi, by Geoffroy Ondet

Points to the WoA installer, and to our hub.

Begeek: Il est possible de faire tourner Windows 10 sur un Raspberry pi 3!

Top-level analysis, not so much of a maker piece. But goes into details and links to github.

Géneration Nouvelles Technologies: Windows 10 sur Raspberry Pi 3, c’est désormais possible!

Pictures of working systems plus links to github. Un Raspberry Pi sous Windows 10: c’est désormais possible

Analysis, pictures of working systems, links to github.

Windows Latest

Posted on the same day we released the drivers. So everyone there was handicapped by the difficult early install. Got picked up by several other sites.

Media Summary 2019-02-16

It’s a Saturday, but still there were a few articles out today.

On the Inside, by Murray Wall

This was a generally favorable review, despite some glitches due to using an old installer. Folks, be sure to get the latest WoA installer for best results. I’ll repeat the badge here:   GitHub release

Tom’s Hardware, by Avram Pitch

This post was not favorable, but hey, it inspired Murray’s download. From the description, it looked as if he was so quick off the draw that he ended up struggling with old and mismatched drivers. He also might not have found the secret method of updating the clock rate. Bless him anyway for checking us out.


This article in Spanish is (according to my high-school Spanish) generaly favorable.

Media Coverage 2019-02-15

The world discovers the Raspberry Pi WOA project

WoA Installer for Raspberry Pi is second trending project in GitHub under the C# category

Video with 9k+ hits

Don Hui of Novaspirit Tech posted a YouTube assessment of the project. See it here.

Adafruit blog posts

Adafruit posted twice (Friday is Pi day):

Know of an article you want us to post? DM us at @Pi64Win, or leave us a note at