A new deployment video for booting from SSD. Plus several articles from Japan.
Anthony Talerico: How to install Windows 10 and run an SSD on the Raspberry Pi 3
A half-hour, detailed step-by-step on setting up a Pi 3 to boot Windows from a USB SSD.
Some Posts from Japan
There has been a lot of interest in Japan; so we’ve collected a few of the posts.
togetter: Windows 10 runs on a Raz-Pi 3, by Oskana Taro
This is a how-to, stepping people through the process of doing a WoA install (prior to V2). 24,000 views, 130+ tweets, similar number of shares on other social media. Wow.
Gigazine: Anyone can easily install 64-bit ARM version of Windows 10 to Raspberry Pi 3
Shorter, more new and analysis. Lots of Facebook shares.
raspberrypi.mongonta.com: Installing Windows 10 on ARM: Successful but not Easy
He’s right, it wasn’t easy when he did it — he did it with the very early tools. It’s getting better and will get better yet. (Bless him, he mentioned MCCI.)
raspberrypi.mongonta.com: Troubles and countermeasures when inserting Windows 10 on ARM into Raspai
Lots more detail on low-level sysadmin things — worth glancing at if you’re having troubles, even if you have to use machine translation.